Saturday, November 27, 2010

Early morning drive makes me so freakin' tired. :|

     5:30 a.m., the clock said. I dragged myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, grabbed a piece of pancake, took the car keys from my dad's drawer and jumped in my car. I was kind of sluggish (mainly because of the fact that I still haven't had my 8-hour sleep for weeks now) while driving, so I turned the car air con off and opened the windows. I like the way the morning breeze touches my face, it felt kinda refreshing. I came back home at around 10:30a.m. We went out again after an hour. Today is my tito Danny's death anniversary. We had a mini-reunion held at my aunt's house. Great lunch! :D On our way home, I asked my dad to stop by McDonald's to grab a sundae. I've been eating their Fruity Strawberry Sundae for two days in a row.At home, I went straight to bed, and had a 3-hour nap. Ahh. I missed that! The last time I had an afternoon nap was like eons ago. I woke up at around 7:30p.m., I checked the task manager on my phone and saw that I have LOTSSSSS to do during this long weekend. :( Have to utilize my time to accomplish those schoolworks. Okay, I guess it all ends here. Goodnight! :)

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