Friday, December 31, 2010

Boom Boom Boom. It's 2011, yo.

     It's New Year's Eve. I miss my boyfriend. So much. :| I haven't posted anything sensible for how many weeks, because I'm really not in the mood. Oh well. My birthday is in a few days, I still don't have any plans yet.

Monday, December 20, 2010

'Coz he's leaving on a jetplane.

My boyfriend is on the plane to LA. I'm gonna miss him, though it will only take a month or so. :( But we're lucky how technology can bring us together even though we're far apart. He's activated his international roaming on his phone, so we can still exchange text messages with each other (it's kinda costly on his part though), there's Facebook. Skype, Y!M and so much more. I'm just sad, because no one's gonna call me every night to put me to sleep, and to hear me snore in deep slumber.
      I'm gonna have a blue Christmas without you, baby!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gone nuts over 'The Nutcracker'

     Aaah. The cold December breeze. I am sooo feeling Christmasssy the past days. :) And I am just so happy because my parents are already in good terms (they fought over the weekend) and I am spending two consecutive Sundays with my bestfriends. We went to Aliw Theater and we watched a ballet presentation entitled 'The Nutcracker'. It was pretty good though, but I drifted off to sleep during the second part of the show. Then we went to the Blue Wave to eat lunch at Max's, we were soooo full. :D And we parted ways in the early afternoon
     Met my mum and dad at the mall today, and shopped for new clothes. <3

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Random Shiz

     It's really hard when our parents fight. It's the children that gets affected the most. It's World War III here at home, so sorry I can't blog on a daily basis, I have lotssssssss of stuff to do, plus the pressure here at home is killing me. :|

     Please give me time to contemplate about things. I'll try to write something proper here as soon as everything's fine.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stagnation, Damnation.

     I have nothing much to say. This is like a random post, 'cause my mind tells me that this is one of the moments that my mind is stagnant. But today, I have learned a very important life lesson. And that is: TO APPRECIATE EVERY LITTLE THINGS IN LIFE. :)
     Just this morning, my dad asked me if I want to buy myself a new laptop. I was flabbergasted, because that came out unexpectedly. He was about to give me money, but I refused. Why? Because I am not that kind of child that just indulges themselves with the things that their parents give them. I appreciate more the time we spend together as a family, our weekend routine of eating ice-cream-while-watching-Nat-Geo moments and the likes. Maybe the reason why I am that close to my parents is because I am the only child in our family. Okay, too much drama. Maybe you all want to know what I said to my dad. Well, I refused to accept the money, and told him that I don't necessarily need it. Anyways, I can have it next year as my birthday gift. :)
     I'm sorry. I have to stop here. I can't think of anything to write anymore. :3

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Long Weekend-Weakend.

     My kind of WEAKend. I got up at around 10 in the morning, grabbed a pack of chewy granola bar and headed straight to my study room. I flipped open the pages of my notebook, made a checklist of what to do during the weekend, and crossed out the accomplished ones. I turned on my PC, and started working on my reports. I must admit, I'm really not that good when it comes to preparing Powerpoint presentations. My boyfriend's good at it; and it's not my cup of tea. I asked him to do me a favor, and that is, to edit the PPT's that I made. My work is like the work of a mediocre high school student. And I hate mediocrity. I always make sure that my works stand out among the many others. I finished at around 9:17p.m., and my eyes kinda hurt. I'm feeling kinda sleazy too. @_@

What a way to spend the looooong weekend. BUMMER. :|

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Early morning drive makes me so freakin' tired. :|

     5:30 a.m., the clock said. I dragged myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, grabbed a piece of pancake, took the car keys from my dad's drawer and jumped in my car. I was kind of sluggish (mainly because of the fact that I still haven't had my 8-hour sleep for weeks now) while driving, so I turned the car air con off and opened the windows. I like the way the morning breeze touches my face, it felt kinda refreshing. I came back home at around 10:30a.m. We went out again after an hour. Today is my tito Danny's death anniversary. We had a mini-reunion held at my aunt's house. Great lunch! :D On our way home, I asked my dad to stop by McDonald's to grab a sundae. I've been eating their Fruity Strawberry Sundae for two days in a row.At home, I went straight to bed, and had a 3-hour nap. Ahh. I missed that! The last time I had an afternoon nap was like eons ago. I woke up at around 7:30p.m., I checked the task manager on my phone and saw that I have LOTSSSSS to do during this long weekend. :( Have to utilize my time to accomplish those schoolworks. Okay, I guess it all ends here. Goodnight! :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Why I Want To Write?

     Writers write in many different ways. Nevertheless, for most writers, writing is a way of discovering what they think. Starting from a tangled heap of unrelated ideas, a writer works toward understanding, perhaps changing direction at several points along the way. Many people, however, write not because they have to but because they want to. They write to discover themselves and their world, to learn more about who they are and what they think and feel. They write to express thoughts and feelings they wouldn’t dare tell a soul – except for that special ‘person’ who lives in the pages of their diaries.
     I started pursuing my writing career at the age of 11, and I was just in 5th grade then. I used to create my own poems and scribbled it at the back of my notebook. I usually write when I become so overwhelmed with my feelings. I never write when I’m in bliss. I am most inspired to write when sadness eats my whole being. And when I do feel that way, it seems like I’m transforming into my alter-ego that has been hiding for so long in my life’s closet. I tried to show my written piece of art to my mum, but like any other neophyte in writing, there was this fear of rejection and prejudice. Until one day, my English teacher, who is also the adviser of our school paper, called for me. She went straightforward and told me that she already appointed me as the new literary editor of the school organ. When I heard those words, I feel like a butter melting instantaneously. I was like “Why me?!” my question was finally answered when my teacher told me that she read all the poems that I wrote at the back of my notebook. Great.
     And this is where my passion for writing emerged. I developed a healthy relationship with pens and papers. My ego boosted when I bagged first-place trophies and medals in essay writing contests. Until one horrendous day, when I was about to make a new article for my own column in the school paper, I cannot move my wrist. I was in pain, and it was so excruciating. I was rushed to the hospital. I was diagnosed with a carpal wrist disease. My heart was in grief and I felt like crying. The doctor advised me to undergo therapy sessions, and not to write or use the computer for hours, which is actually a vital part in my daily routine.
A part of me died. I stopped writing for almost 5 years. It seems like I lost a part of me. But when I enrolled in the Creative Writing class, the fire inside me was burning aglow. I can feel my hand itching to write again until the wee hours in the morning. Backed up with my past experiences in the field of writing, encouragement and support from loved ones and my God-given talent, I can say that I’m ready to open my doors again, ready to explore new horizons.
My alter-ego is again brought to life. My passion for writing is on the brink now. I must constantly endeavor my pursuit in writing if I were to succeed.

Pain in the a**, no! I mean in the head. :|

     My head is throbbing with so much pain right now. Sleep-deprived, as you may call it. :( Haven't had my 8 straight hours of sleep since this school year started. I have tons and tons of school stuff to do, and I also have to do a lot of readings. I had a series of migraine attacks lately. My longest sleep was just like 5 hours or so. Oh well, maybe I should already get used to it. But I should also keep in mind that I must not forget to take care of myself. Health comes first before anything. And right now, I feel like I'm not doing that personal obligation. Time to get back to work. The clock is ticking, and I haven't started anything yet.  :|

I better tell my boyfriend not to call me tonight. I might fall into a very, very deep slumber (even without counting sheeps!).